Photo 3d printer material PC-ABS


For functional prototyping, tooling and low-volume manufacturing that requires superior impact strength, Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) Technology works with PC-ABS thermoplastic. This material offers the best features of two great FDM thermoplastics: the strength and heat resistance of PC and the flexibility of ABS. PC-ABS also exhibits excellent feature definition and surface finish.

3D Printing With PC-ABS

Engineers and designers use PC-ABS in demanding applications like power-tool prototyping and industrial equipment manufacturing. 3D printing in real engineering thermoplastics results in stronger parts, more confident testing and prototypes that mimic the material properties of the final product.

PC-ABS works with soluble support material, meaning support removal is hands-free and complex parts with deep internal cavities take no extra effort. This material works with Fortus 360mc, 400mc and 900mc 3D Production Systems.

PC-ABS Spec Sheet

Printers for PC-ABS


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